Are you addicted to anger? Did you know that feeling anger can be addicting? Anger has similar properties of other things that are considered addicting. Catch the stone and choose not to throw it back. (REMEMBER THE STICKS AND STONES
Ep 173: It’s Time to Begin
Three years into this podcast and guess what the #1 topic has been? Journaling. That’s not a mistake. Journaling continues to be the #1 tool my clients use to become overburdened no more by what has kept them down for
Ep 172: Turn to Hope
Faith, Hope, and Charity are taught in the scriptures I love all three of these attributes. But as the Hope Coach, I would like to talk about hope today. In Romans it speaks of having hope even when it went
Ep 171: Procrastination, Motivation and Time Management
In Ep 170 we talked about making a choice about what consistent, daily actions will do for the things you want to make a part of your life. I asked you, what do YOU want to do? And then I
Ep 170: Get Time Working For You
In episode 169 we discussed the intelligences that make you DO what you feel your PURPOSE is. The 4 intelligences are: Spiritual INTELLIGENCE: gives you direction from your purpose Emotional INTELLIGENCE: the energy that drives you. Managing the energy keeps
Ep 169: The Intelligence You May Be Hiding
We are living in a world of overload. There is too much information coming at us from all directions, all the time. In my opinion, overthinking is overloading the capacity of our society right now. I did episodes way back
Ep 168: Choose Your Feeling
Do you realize that if you have been doing this challenge from the very beginning, you have gone without your phone during the first hour of every morning for over a month now?!!! Compared to Day 1, how would you
Ep 167: More Than a Good Morning
What difference are you seeing in your day since we started the challenge from Episode 164? If you haven’t listened to Episode 164, A Challenge Worth Taking, make the time to do that. We’ve been working on saving the first
Ep 166: What to Give Up to Get More
I’m gonna start with a few questions for you today: Have you listened to Episode 164? Do you know what challenge we’ve been running here on the podcast for the past few episodes? Have you been actively trying to NOT
Ep 165: Take Your Day Back
Welcome back to Week 2 of A Challenge Worth Taking. I’m grateful for the opportunity to be teaching this topic on the podcast because it is helping me to remember all the reasons why it’s so unhealthy for my brain
Ep 164: A Challenge Worth Taking
Let’s start this episode by getting a base line on how you’re doing today. Think about what you do when you first wake up every morning. Do you do similar things? Do you have a specific routine? Now. this
Ep 163: Using Gratitude to Change Your Focus
Gratitude makes life more joyful. Use gratitude to turn negative into positive. I’d like to take this moment to indulge in one of my favorite activities. Focusing on what I’m grateful for. What comes to me right now is how
Ep 162: False Connections
Gossiping regularly shows poor restraint and a lack of consideration for others’ feelings. By airing other people’s dirty laundry to unrelated parties, you are subjecting them to humiliation and scorn. Some research even suggests that people who struggle with low
Ep 161: Real Advice to Move Through Discomfort
Do you stuff your feelings down because they feel uncomfortable? Do you ignore what you really need because you’ve never learned how to pay attention to what you’re yearning for? Did you know that you are teaching yourself that you
Ep 160: Awareness, Acceptance & Alignment
Disconnection is characterized by a sense of alienation, numbness, or apathy, and a lack of meaningful pursuits in life or engagement with the world. Disconnection is also sometimes referred to as feeling “lost” or a sense of “not belonging.” This
Ep 159: Procrastination Keeping You Stuck?
I am a new grandma. If you were here with me, I’d show you tons of pictures of my adorable granddaughter. I’ve become one of THOSE grandmas. Before I even became a grandma, I knew that I wanted to rearrange
Ep 158: Helping to Carry the Burdens of Others
Our strengths overused can become a weakness. You heard me right… even a strength, pushed too far, done to an extreme, or used in the wrong situation, can turn into a weakness and produce negative results. Even our strengths can
Ep 157: Love of Self Fuels Love of Others
I am a Christian. I have a deep belief and love of Jesus Christ. I want to honor Him in the way that I treat others and in everything that I do. It is my #1 priority to be a
Ep 155: Dr. Matt Townsend: Connecting to Your Mind, Body & Spirit
Here are some highlights from my conversation with Dr. Matt Townsend. To listen to the full episode go to: Episode 155 Be really careful with the stories that you repeatably tell. When you tell yourself the same thing over
Ep 147: The Shift from Victim to Hero
Many of the episodes I share on the podcast stem from the changes I experienced after reading Dr. Stephen R. Covey’s book, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.” This is where the healing from my depression began after receiving
Ep 146: Feeling Connected in Any Relationship
Today we are going to talk about the 7C’s that will help you to create better relationships. But I want you to remember this: Creating deep relationships take time. Don’t try to rush through them like they are quick fixes.
Ep 145: Why Should You Be Journaling?
Does having a clearer head, feeling more focused and in control sound good to you? You should be journaling. I know you’re thinking about what the next few months of your life are going to bring. I know you’re thinking
Ep 143: Get REAL with Yourself Using the Loving Ritual of Journaling
When you get real with someone, what does that look like? Telling the truth. Telling the WHOLE truth. Being open & vulnerable with what you are going through, sharing your feelings and desires. Listening to the other’s advice and counsel
Ep 142: Working Through Depression by Learning Optimism Part 5
It’s here, it’s finally here, the fifth and final episode in this series about Learning Optimism. I hope you’ve enjoyed this deep dive into this topic as much as I have. If you’re someone who is tired of feeling pessimistic
Ep 141: Working Through Depression by Learning Optimism Part 4
Quick Review: In part one of this series on Learned Optimism, we briefly discussed Self-esteem, Depression, Optimism, Pessimism, Explanatory Style and Learned Helplessness. In Part Two, I shared with you that becoming optimistic can be as simple as learning a