Let’s start this episode by getting a base line on how you’re doing today. Think about what you do when you first wake up every morning. Do you do similar things? Do you have a specific routine? Now. this
Ep 120: Self-Made Doesn’t Exist
Dependence, Independence, Interdependence Do you know the difference? Let’s learn about these 3 very important stages of development together. In Stephen R. Covey’s masterful book about personal change, I learned about Dependence, Independence, and Interdependence. Before this, I had never
086: Lessons From Journaling
This will come as no surprise to anyone who has listened to this podcast or followed what I do for any amount of time, but JOURNALING has saved my mental and emotional health more than anything else that I’ve ever
083: Looking Forward to the Amazon Return Line
I’m going to tell you about the amazing experience I recently had waiting in the Amazon returns line. Sounds like a great time doesn’t it! It actually was! Don’t think I’m totally crazy, I’m going to explain to you why
070: Journaling the Good Stuff
When I talk about journaling, how do you envision yourself doing it? Hopefully it’s not writing down what you did that day. If you’ve been with me very long on this podcast, I hope you know that’s not what I
.028: There is no JOY without SADNESS
Before we get started with this week’s episode, I wanted to remind you about the Daily Memories Journal Workshop happening next week. One of my favorite ways to acknowledge the happy times and the sad times that are a normal
.005 There’s Enough Time for Anything that Truly Matters
Welcome to another episode of Overburdened No More. It’s Marla and today our topic is about finding the time for anything that truly matters. What does that even look like? Is it scheduling every minute of every day so