Ep 108: Finding a Moment of Solitude to Nourish Your Roots

Are you a morning person?

No judgement if you’re not, but I want to talk to you today about why I am.

Specifically, about one thing I love to do in the morning.

I’ve talked on a previous episode about my morning routine.

It’s a very important part of how I take care of myself and my emotional health.

One part of my routine in the Spring, Summer and Fall that I haven’t talked about is Gardening.

I believe I was born in the wrong century.

There is the deep part of me that wants to walk around in a long linen dress, with matching hat and gloves and a basket, filling it full of flowers and vegetables that I have grown myself.

Imagine Anne of Green Gables as she is as a young woman, out picking apples in the orchard when Gilbert Blythe comes by to see if she’d like to walk with him to the bridge.


When I am driving with my husband through central Utah on our way to St. George, I love looking at the farms, with their pastures in different stages of harvest.  Some with tall grain and the next with brown, freshly tilled dirt.

Green and brown up against a blue sky is soothing to me.

Flying over these fields in an airplane is one of my favorite things to take pictures of.

The rectangle and circular fields are amazing!

Does that sound weird to you?

Maybe, but I think you may find what I’m going to say next even weirder.

I love growing a garden.

I love planning a garden.

I love harvesting a garden, whether flowers or vegetables.

But do you know what else I love???

I love getting out early in the morning and taking care of those gardens.

And yes, that even includes weeding.

Yes, you heard that correctly, I love weeding my gardens.

But only when it’s early in the morning.

It totally changes when it gets hot and I have to add getting sweaty to the mix.

Weeding is definitely my LEAST favorite thing to do in the garden, but I still love doing it.

WHY?  Why would I love weeding?


It’s peaceful.

It’s simple.  Anyone can do it, because it doesn’t take a specific skill.

I can listen to whatever I choose, and sometimes that’s listening to myself think.

It slows everything down.  Working with my hands makes life feel slower.  You can’t rush working in the garden.

Things don’t grow faster just because you WANT them to.

They grow on their own schedule.

They require certain things like water and sun, but you can’t make them grow faster.

I also love weeding because of the results of my hard and persistent work.

It makes my soul fly.

For real.

Maybe I am weird, but it’s the truth!

Looking at my yard full of live plants speaks to me in a way I find hard to describe.

It’s like taping into a part of myself that has always existed.

I had a garden in heaven before I came to live on this earth.

I’m sure of it.

Maybe that’s why I love being out there like I do… because it reminds me of my heavenly home.

I’ve been surrounded by gardens in some form or another my entire life.

My parents had a vegetable garden while I was growing up.

I spent many hours weeding this large garden when I was young.

It was full of produce that we preserved to eat all winter long.

My grandpa was a farmer.

He was a dairy farmer, but he still had to work his land to feed those cows.

He had fields of alfalfa and hay.

I spent some time with him on his farm every summer.

My great grandma loved planting flowers.

I never knew her, but I feel connected to her.

My mom explained to me how she grew her garden as:

“One year focused on growing a garden outside, and the next year growing her garden inside (when she was having a new baby).

When I went to Costa Rica twice in one year, I noticed that the pictures I took were more of the florals and greenery than anything else.

The different textures in the leaves were intriguing to me.

Last week I went on a hike, and I think it took me twice as long as normal because I couldn’t help stopping and taking pictures of all the flowers and greenery I saw.

But, with all of that, the #1 reason I love weeding in my garden is because of the time I get to spend with myself.

My kids rarely came to ask me something when I was working in the yard, probably mostly because they knew I’d ask them to help me weed.

So, it was my place of solitude.

I think we all need moments of solitude, where we can finish a thought without interruption.

Where we can contemplate on things that we wonder about.

Where we can have a conversation with God about the things we are struggling with.

I enjoy listening to spiritual music while I weed.

Handel’s Messiah takes on a whole different feeling when I listen to it in the Summer instead of at Christmas time when it is usually listened to.

I feel connected to a higher power that way and my Spirit feels bigger.

I love connecting with my TRUE self in this way.

When the noise of the world is blocked out, and the sound of birds is louder than anything else, it’s just different.

That’s why I love weeding.

I love who I am when I’m weeding.

I feel connected to my mind, my body, my Spirit and the earth.

I have a challenge for you.

Think about something that does this for you.

What makes you feel calm?

What makes you feel connected?

Where do you feel the most like your TRUE self?

Make it one of your top priorities to do more of that!

If you feel stuck in your life.

If you feel like you don’t know who you are anymore.

If you don’t trust yourself to make good decisions.

You have lost connection with your SELF.

It’s one of the most important connections you can make,

It is the foundation of everything else in your life.

Your relationship with you make up the roots of every other relationship in your life.

If you want to create a strong tree full of leaves and branches of the people you love the most, your roots have to be strong.

So, begin nourishing your roots today.

Create that relationship with yourself.

If you feel like that is something you need some support to do,

That’s what I’m here for.

I am a Relationship Coach.  I am trained to help you with this.

I would love to help you create that strong relationship with yourself.

I am taking new clients right now.

But I wouldn’t expect you to just jump in without giving it a sneak peek first.

Register with me to do a consult together.

I will take you through some activities to help you find out exactly where you are.

I will show you where you are and where you could be and then we will create a plan together to help you to build this relationship with yourself.

When I began learning how and where I could improve, my relationships with everyone else began to improve.  It blew my mind that I didn’t need to help anyone else to change, I just had to get REAL with myself. 

I can’t wait to help you learn how to get REAL with yourself too!

Sign up for a FREE 30-minute consult with me at: hunkeedori.com/consult and we’ll begin building this relationship with YOU!!!  I can’t wait to meet you!!


Thanks for joining me here today and remember:

I see you.  I understand how hard you’re trying, and I’d like to help however I can.

Have a wonderful day and I’ll see you back here next week.

Tip Tuesday Video Link: https://youtu.be/PCc-X4rKiNA

Watch this episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/ln9hHXcAWEU

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Sign up for a Free Mini-Mentor Session: https://hunkeedori.com/MiniMentor

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Option #1: Video Course  https://hunkeedori.com/UCMCourse

Option #2: One-on-One Coaching https://hunkeedori.com/UCMBundle

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Ep 108: Finding a Moment of Solitude to Nourish Your Roots