Welcome to another episode of Overburdened No More.
It’s Marla and today our topic is about finding the time for anything that truly matters.
What does that even look like?
Is it scheduling every minute of every day so you can fit more in?
I hope that’s not what it feels like. I think it’s more like taking the time to think about HOW you want your time to feel.
Have you ever had one of those times where you are exactly where you want to be, with who you want to be with and time feels like it is standing still?
When you CHOOSE to spend time on things that are important to YOU… you BECOME the kind of person who has the TIME to spend on these things and doesn’t that feel nice?
What does it look like to be connected to your life?
Checking your watch to make sure you’re not late?
Scheduling out every minute of the day so you know exactly what’s coming next?
Those don’t really feel good to me, how ‘bout you?
To me, connecting to your life is realizing how you’re spending your time.
It’s making a connection with how you spend your moments.
Do big chunks of your day fly by without any meaning OR do you make sure those minutes mean something?
Do you ever feel like there is Never Enough Time?
Are you guilty of letting things that don’t matter take up all of your time.
That’s when you feel like you don’t have enough time.
When you rush from one thing to the next, without a purpose behind it, time feels out of control.
When you feel like you have enough time, you allow yourself to linger in the moments that are important to you. Have you ever had one of those times where you are exactly where you want to be, with who you want to be with and time feels like it is standing still?
I just went to a wedding of the daughter of one of my best friends. I was with a group of long-time friends and we laughed until our sides and cheeks hurt and it was magical!
Time can actually slow down, really linger, when what you are filling your time with what is important to you.
“When you develop the mindset of freedom, you can make choices to stretch time where you wish it to stretch. You can free it up where you wish to free it up. You can move tasks around to make more of them fit into your life than most people think is possible.”
Laura Vanderkam. Off the Clock.
If you compare that thought with what you do every day that has no purpose other than getting the thing done. How do the two compare? I think you probably have a few examples of each that you can think about here. How does each usually feel?
What if you took the Time to Define Your Priorities. You know, the things that matter most to you.
What if you started deciding on the purpose behind what you’re doing before you do it? Doesn’t that feel better?
One of my favorite thoughts from “off the clock” is that People Are Always A Good Use of Time
Have you ever felt like you’ve wasted your time after spending an hour with a good friend?
OR Did you feel more energized and ready to face whatever’s coming next?
Compare that with an hour spent on social media.
Be honest.
How did each leave you feeling?
When you choose to spend time on things that are important to you, you become the kind of person who has the time to spend on these things. I’m going to read that again…
When you CHOOSE to spend time on things that are important to YOU… you BECOME the kind of person who has the TIME to spend on these things.
Doesn’t that feel nice?
You are the kind of person who has time to do things that are most important to you.
You are not run by time.
You get to choose how you spend your time.
As Laura Vanderkam says, “There is enough time for anything that truly matters.”