When we spend time with someone we love, we focus on making it quality time. Have you considered what equals quality time when you spend time with yourself?
No other person that has ever lived is the same as you.

Do any of these sound familiar?

“I don’t know what I want. “

“I’ve been doing what everyone else needs and wants for so long, I don’t know what I NEED or WANT.”

Man, if I go by that, I’ve been embarrassed for quite a while!

Well, truth is, I used to be.

Just a Little Shift.

But I’ve made a little shift in the way I think, including the way I use my time. 

Once I discovered my top priorities, it was actually really simple.

If you missed my blog post on identifying your priorities, you’ll find it here:

It’s all about Priotrities

Now That Were Speaking the Same Language…

What if you started spending your priority minutes on the things you do best?

  • Taking care of your family
  • Starting a business
  • Nurturing yourself
  • Making time for friendships


Within your personal priorities is a little secret: 

Self Care
Think About This:

When we spend time with someone we love, we focus on making it quality time.  Have you considered what equals quality time when you spend time with yourself?


Think about that.

What Does Quality Time Mean to You?

Take a minute and write down 5 things you could do that would feel like a quality experience.

Here are some of mine, including things I’ve never done:

  • Sitting in my chair, feet up, warm and cozy, and watch a show that I choose!  Me.  My choice.  I even get to hold the remote!
  • Working in my Scrapbook Journal.  Write some of my feelings about the week’s events.  Adding photos is a must!
  • Go to lunch with a friend.
  • Go to a movie, by myself or with a bestie, and eat movie theatre popcorn (and not count the calories).
  • Read a good book.  One that’s been sitting in my “To Read Pile”.

Now it’s your turn.

What would make you feel special?

Is there something you haven’t done in a while that would make you feel more like yourself?

Identify 5 simple things you could add to your calendar over the next month?

Add them right now!!

Have you written them down?

Are they scheduled in?

I’ll wait…..

Now, One Final Thought:

No other person has or ever will have, the unique blend of talents, strengths, perspective, and gifts that you have.

Get out there! 

Rediscover what they are!

Discover something new!

I believe in you!!!

You can find them.

I can’t wait to see what you do with this new shift in thinking.

Don’t forget to share what you discover with me!!

Sending lots of love your way.

020. I’m Embarrassed to Admit I’ve Lost Myself
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