Have you recorded your memories of being a part of the Covid-19 Pandemic? It’s a whole new chapter of world history. Did you catch that??? WORLD History! You are a part of something bigger than learning new recipes in your
029. How Do I Begin Building Confidence?
Where Did You Get Your Confidence? I find myself wondering if I ever had confidence. Maybe when I was a baby? I honestly don’t remember ever feeling great about myself or that I was capable of doing what my mind
028. 3 Tips to Make Your Most Important Priorities Fit into your Weekly Schedule. Part Three: Add in the Sand
Learn the steps to prioritize your week by planning according to your priorities to increase focus. I’m back with Part THREE of my three-part series on Rocks and Sand. If you’ve missed Parts One and Two, you can find them
027. 3 Tips to Make Your Most Important Priorities Fit into your Weekly Schedule Part TWO Schedule Your Priorities
Learn the steps to prioritize your week by planning according to your priorities to increase focus. I’m back with Part Two of my Three-part series on Rocks and Sand. If you didn’t read Part One, that probably sounds a bit
026. 3 Tips to Make Your Most Important Priorities Fit into your Weekly Schedule Part One: What are Your Rocks?
Learn the steps to prioritize your week by planning according to your priorities to increase focus. Have you seen the demonstration when an empty jar is filled over halfway with sand? Then, someone tries to put another jar almost full
025. Like Sands In An Hourglass…So Go the Days of Our Life
What stories are you telling yourself? Ya, Ya… I’m a girl of the 80’s. I watched Days of Our Lives every day after High School. Perfect timing KSL. And then again when my first two babies were little… Until I
024. Uncover What You REALLY Believe
Excavate Your Mind A great way to become aware of what you’re thinking, and therefore what you believe, is by journaling. Journaling seems to be the answer to everything As you asses your thoughts, you can decide if you really
023. A Modern Epidemic
Depression is up. Suicide is skyrocketing. Connection is KEY! I’m feeling like a heart-to-heart today. I’ve been thinking about this topic for quite a while. It’s hit really hard close to home over the past few years. It’s become quite