You are not run by time. You get to choose how you spend your time. What does that look like? To me, connecting to your life is realizing how you’re spending your time. It’s making a connection with how you
014. Connect to YOUR Life

You are not run by time. You get to choose how you spend your time. What does that look like? To me, connecting to your life is realizing how you’re spending your time. It’s making a connection with how you
I’m a Rebel Sometimes I don’t plan out my week. <…crickets…> I know! To admit that on this platform, I’m asking to be horsewhipped! Sometimes I don’t decorate my planner pages. Sometimes I don’t write down what I have “to-do”.
Connection is a Feeling we Create with Others. It’s kind of a buzz word these days. I don’t care how “trendy” it is, we’re loosing it. Connection is a feeling. I also don’t care how “old fashioned” I sound, but
Truth Table Truth Table: A safe time to say everything you’re thinking and feeling. No judgement. No punishments. Just telling the truth. Get it out there. I’d like to share something today on the Truth Table. I’m not good at
It’s All Starts Somewhere I am a paper planner kinda gal. I’m your typical office supply lovin’ zealot that those of us in this world totally “get”. I’ve been this way since birth. Do you relate? A friend tried to
Priorities Matter My kids think I live in the kitchen. You know, like in the same way we all used to believe that our teachers lived at the school in the Teacher’s Lounge. Why else would I just “happen” to
Pay Attention to Moments and Create Connection to Life. I am a scrapbooker. Well, I probably feel more like a “Memory Keeper” these days but they’re just titles. Over the years my methods have evolved and changed in ways
To-Do or Not To-Do To-do lists. I’m so Too-Done with them. It’s time to stop asking what I have to do today and start asking “What do I really want to have happen?” and “Why do I want it?” Maybe
Quite often I feel the need to do something for myself. I’m sure you’ve had those times when you’re tired, burned out, just need to slow down a bit. It usually hits me on Friday. I’m good to push through
Digital vs. Paper Planning. Customizable Travelers Notebooks are the most unique system out there to get exactly what you need! The digital age is amazing! There are so many things that make our lives easier (and more fun!). There are
Journaling for emotional healing, mental health and expressing your feelings to increase your self-esteem! I love it when one of my children come to me just to talk about what’s on their mind. They just want to chat and they
Stop Planning Like Everyone Else Just stop it! Seriously! Why do we spend hours scrolling through Instagram and watching YouTube to try to find the “best system”? How do I know you’re doing this, because I’ve done it too! We’re
I went on a hike this morning. I’ve hiked this trail many times but I hadn’t made it to the top. Well, I made it to the top today! I absolutely adore hiking in the mountains. I love the trees,