Stress relief. Organization. Medical peace of mind. Emotional support. All reasons to become a planner. Planning brings freedom.
Stress relief. Organization. Medical peace of mind. Emotional support. All reasons why planning brings freedom.
Why Are You Using A Planner?

Not long ago I asked my Instagram family the question “Why did you start using a planner?” and I loved the answers I got.

I loved the fact that not many people answered that they plan because it’s part of their Type A personality. 

A Planner Does NOT Equal Organized

There’s SO much more to using a planner than just being an organized person.

I wanted to share some of their responses.  See if any of the following reasons resonate with you.  Then, leave a comment about why YOU started planning.

Medical Organization

“I got sick.  I started tracking Dr’s appointments and decided to make it pretty.  I wanted to journal because that’s pretty much all I could do when I felt so sick.  Now, I plan because I need help remembering things.  It helps me plan out home school.”

“I use my planner to keep medical thing straight for multiple people.  I also use it for menu’s and chores.”

“It’s my war binder to organize life with illness, family, and medication records.”

School/Life Balance

“College is when planning became important to me.  It replaced my abacus. It became necessary when I had to juggle adult and family life stuff.”

 “Going back to college with children.  I was also working part-time.  I kept missing bill due dates.  It also helped me keep track of family memories as time passes quickly.”

“To keep track of college/Dr’s appointments.  I journal milestone markers.  I love that I have the freedom to make it what I need.”


“I started using a planner when I was a single mom.  My pocket calendar was not cutting it.  Now I’m a Grandma and I use my planner to keep track of babysitting and sports.”

“Mom Brain!!  Plus a stationary addiction.  The planner community combined both and solved my momma brain problem.”

Emotional Health

“I began journaling to handle my grief.  I began adding appointments, menu, etc.”

“I am very easily distracted.  I have special needs children and a spouse.  It makes something stressful fun when I add creativity to planning.  I found entires in my depressed daughter’s planner that changed from ‘Wanting to just stay alive’ to ‘I can do this!’  I realized that planning can be something beautiful.”

“It gives my scatter brain a security blanket!”

Memory Keeping

“I use my planner for work/family organization.  I journal to keep track of memories and books that I’ve read.”

“It’s a way to release stress and anxiety in a fun and creative way.  I use it as a journal and a craft book.  It was my outlet for fun.  I started because I was a perfectionist.”


“I’m a business owner.  My planner helped me to not wake up panicked in the middle of the night!”

“I got a promotion and I had added responsibility.”

Aren’t those fantastic?! 

Where Do You See Yourself?

Do you see yourself in any of those reasons to use a planner?

They gave me some ideas of new ways to use my planner. 

I really love this community. 

Not only did I find “my people”, I am constantly uplifted and encouraged to use the tool that I love to create a better life for myself and my family.

I’d love it if you’d leave a comment below and let me know why you use a planner.

If you like this one, try this one too!

018. Why Did You Start Planning?
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