When you feel a little down, a little sick, a little overburdened, what’s your first reaction?
Do you slow down?
Speed Up?
Pretend everything is Ok or that the sky is falling down?
I don’t think there is a right answer that covers everything 100% of the time.
I do think we need to learn to listen to how we need to feel comfort.
Not how someone else tells you to feel comforted, how YOU need it.
Today’s episode is a little update on “life” and the ups and downs that I know all of us experience.
Not too long ago, I got to have a head cold.
A real down-to-earth, back before everything was COVID, head cold.
And it was miserable.
And then it revved back up again and felt as if it started over with a brand-new set of gunkiness that makes head colds miserable.
So, I gave myself a little space to slow down, not stress so much about all the stuff I wanted and needed to get done and allowed me to care for me.
I allowed my sweet husband to care for me too. He went and made rice pudding for me.
It’s my great-grandma’s recipe that she created because the life of dairy farmers wife was built upon using up what you have. And they had lots of milk.
It’s my most comforting of comfort foods and I can’t wait to have it again.
I made it for my mom right after my dad passed away.
It brought back the memories of her mom making it for her when she’d come home from school. She felt comforted by her mom just from a smell.
Isn’t that a beautiful thing? Comfort from such a small thing.
What brings you comfort?
How long’s it been since you did something like that for yourself?
I just wanted to share that thought with you today in hopes that when you are in need of a little comfort, you slow down.
Slow down enough to do those little things that bring memories of loved ones and ways to care for yourself that maybe only you know.
Perhaps today is a good day to share some of those things with those you love now so they can help you out too.
I’m sure glad I taught that husband of mine how to make Old Time Rice Pudding by Laurel Smith Rasmussen. Now he can help bring me comfort too!
Make it a wonderful day and I’ll see you back here next week!
I have one more question for you today.
Do you have a hard time actually knowing what it is that you need?
Have you kinda forgotten what your likes are?
I know that feeling.
One of the best ways I’ve gotten to know myself better is by journaling.
Journaling every morning has helped me to reconnect to who I am.
I get it.
You care about everybody else so much that you find yourself in last place most days.
There’s nothing wrong with taking care of others.
But, wouldn’t you be better able to care for others if you felt cared for yourself?
Years ago I would have answered that I didn’t think it made a difference.
I’m here today to tell you that I no longer believe that.
I finally learned to take care of me.
That started by getting to know myself again.
And the best way I found to do that was through journaling.
Writing whatever I thought about for 30 minutes every morning.
Don’t know where to start?
I’ve got a free download that gives you 20 great questions you can journal about.
The link is below in the show notes.
Let me know how it goes.
What difference did you feel?
I’d really love to know.
Email me. That link is in the show notes too.