030. Documenting the Quarantine
Have you recorded your memories of being a part of the Covid-19 Pandemic?

It’s a whole new chapter of world history.

Did you catch that???  WORLD History!

You are a part of something bigger than learning new recipes in your pj’s.
  • Maybe you’re like me and haven’t really been touched by Covid-19 other than what you see on the news and shortages on the grocery shelves. 
  • Maybe the hardest thing for you has been having your husband and kids invade your space every hour of the day and night (heard that from a friend ;))
  • Maybe you’re actually one of the hard-working health care workers that haven’t been able to see your family because you’ve had to quarantine yourself even from them.
  • Maybe you’ve lost a dear friend or family member from the virus. 
Every experience is unique

I realize our experiences with this time have been vastly different and that’s why it matters that we take the time to write OUR experiences down.  We truly are a part of World History.  It’s hard to wrap my brain around that, but it’s the truth.

Are we living in a documentary?

I’ve tried to remember this by thinking back to a documentary I watched a few months ago about a huge windstorm that covered towns in dirt.  COVERED!  I saw another one that was basically the same except it was a gigantic blizzard and towns were covered and cut off from everyone by the snow.  I sat with my jaw dropped because I just couldn’t imagine such a thing.  How could there be that much snow and that much dirt?

Then I look at today.  I’ve been cut off from town and friends and family and school and work by a microscopic virus.

Made me stop in my tracks.  I’m pausing as I write this because I haven’t really thought of it that way until this very moment.

We’ve been lucky because we have technology that keeps us somewhat connected in ways they couldn’t even imagine back then.  A blessing for sure.  Lessons learned are similar though.

What have you done to make sure you never forget?

Have you taken the time to write down what you’ve learned?  How about what you’ve been doing?  Don’t you think generations down the road are going to be just as interested in what happened to us and we are about the blizzards and dirt storms?

I think they will be.

Have you done your part?

I’ve been using my Moments to Memories insert to write down a lot of what’s been going on in my little neck of the woods.  It might seem like it’s not that “scrapbook worthy” but I’ve decided that that just isn’t true.  I’m going through something that no one else has and I’m doing it in my own way so that makes it worthy.

Turn Moments into Memories

I’ve enjoyed using the Moments to Memories Insert because I can choose which method works the best for me at the time I want to write.

If I only have a few minutes, I write a sentence or two in the Brief-Note section.  If I just want to write a few bullet points, I choose the calendar method.  If I really want to work through a thought or give all the details, I find myself in the Long-Hand Method. 

Many times I’ve needed to work in my larger journal because I have a lot of thoughts/feelings to work through or really need some journal time.  I have a Composition size Travelers Notebook that I use for those times.  That’s actually part of my weekly routine.  I schedule in at least twice a week to have a good 30-minute session with my journal.  This is good emotional self-care time.  I’ve talked about my practice of doing that HERE and HERE.

Do you have a Moments to Memories insert?  They’re free and you can get one HERE.  If it can help you get started documenting these current times, then I’m thrilled!

I hope you’ll take me up on it and use it to get at least a few things down on paper for the documentary of your life that’s sure to follow!

These are times like no other and I’m proud of you for recording your part in it.

030. Documenting the Quarantine
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